Living with light
Editeur(s) : Flammarion
The art of harmonious living is presented in this volume through fifteen bespoke interiors recently designed by the Axel Vervoordt Company. Each room incorporates natural light as an essential component of design, along with other elements from nature-water, metal, wood-blended with a modern aesthetic and punctuated with fine art and antiques. The range of featured properties includes homes by the sea, as well as in urban and rural locations-from New York to London and Munich, and from Italy through Provence to Portugal-demonstrating the breadth of styles possible within the essential Vervoordt design principles.Photography by Laziz Hamani brings into focus both the unique design details and the timeless interiors that together create each striking setting. These exceptional residences are rich with inspirational ideas for incorporating light into your own home in the singular Vervoordt style.
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